Friday, February 04, 2005

Message in the can...

that's a good thing. I've finished writing my first message at Northwest. I've had it mostly done for several weeks, but just put the finishing touches on it. I supposed I'll even polish it a bit more. I'm excited about it as it lays out my heart about what the church is supposed to become as a community of Christ-followers.

I'm referring to the weekend message as the conversation...I hope that's what it will become. I've taken the central premise of the message and put it into another blog at where people can respond and we can carry on a conversation about it. I'm not ready to have a full-blown discussion during the worship least not yet. But I want to have a place where anyone can respond, ask questions, and dialogue about what's been presented.

I'm needing to get a bit more done today, so I'm signing off.

Thanks for stopping in,'re help will be huge, so don't give up on me!



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