Friday, February 04, 2005


As a part of our home phone set-up, Heidi and I took advantage of a special deal and got DSL (which is super-fast internet access). HOLY COW IT'S FAST!!!! I have never surfed this quickly before. Just about the time I blink, the new page is up...incredible! The going back...oh, well.

I just had to say that.

We're getting excited about the Super Bowl at the Furr house. We love the Pats (have since we lived near Boston about a decade ago). We liked the Bills, too, and will root for them...but the Pats...

I hope it's a good game, but not so good that Vinetari has to win it again. How incredible is that...two times he won the Super Bowl with a field about pressure.

Anyway...not much going on at home tonight. I sort of like the quiet.



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