Tuesday, March 27, 2007

loving it!

I'm less than a week into my new role at The Chapel...and loving it. It's great on so many levels. When I stepped into the "abyss" I had no idea I'd get to step into something like this. Thank you, God!

Had a great Daddy Night with the kids. I love hanging out with them. It's fun to see each of them develop into their own person - quirks and all.

We're starting to look ahead to summer...going to have some great visits with friends and family. We begin by having Heidi's sister and bil here this weekend - Dave and Kat are fun to have around. The kids will be so excited to spend time with them. They come in Friday night.

Amidst the busyness and new pace of life, I'm still connecting with God. One of my fears of going to a large church like The Chapel is that He would be pushed out. Though it looks a bit different, I am thankful for His continual presence and the quiet moments that we still get.



Sunday, March 25, 2007

what a weekend!

This was my first weekend as a leader at The Chapel. Heidi and I went to Saturday worship at the Grayslake campus - it was great to run into people I had met earlier during the week and even some friends. Then, this morning, we were introduced to the people at the Hawthorn campus (Libertyville) and were so warmly welcomed by the people. I loved having the chance to connect with so many people before, between, and after worship. What a great day.

I loved having Heidi by my side. There were moments when the people were coming around us like a wave and we were both making connections. We would just back into each other, know the other was there, and keep going. I love having an amazing and strong wife.

I'm only 4 days in and am loving it. There is hard work ahead, but a great team with which to lock arms and do it.

Tomorrow is family day and it's supposed to be nice outside. Should be a great day to play, laugh, and enjoy being the Furrs!



Tuesday, March 20, 2007


It's been quite a month. For those trying to keep up with things via this blog...sorry I've not been giving much.

I am officially no longer the lead pastor of Northwest Christian Community. I lead my final worship gatherings on Sunday. I sensed God's presence and pleasure in those final moments together (in that capacity). People were very kind and affirming in their comments.

Sunday afternoon was a special open house at the Eckrote home. What a gift! A bunch of people stopped in to enjoy some great food and time together. Again, a very affirming time.

I'm taking a few days "off" with Heidi and the kids. I'm enjoying my time at home. Today, Heidi worked and a sitter came so that I could get some time out of the house alone. I was invited to a special meeting at The Chapel, so spent some time there, getting to connect and plan with the worship arts team. What a blast!

I also dropped off all my books in my new office. I didn't get to unpack any of them, but they are no longer in the garage and I can begin to settle in on Thursday, my first "official" day.

It's been great to meet some of the staff and key leaders. I'm looking forward to more and more interaction with them.

Tomorrow is a family day...nothing really on the agenda, except playing and eating and playing some more. Love to play!!

Then on Thursday, time to jump in with both feet!! I'm excited and am already waking up thinking about things...a good sign...

That's a quick update on life...

My final 4 are still in the tournament: Oregon, Kansas, Memphis, and Georgetown. Yup, that's right, no OSU or Florida. As much fun as it would be to watch Florida beat OSU again, I didn't go with conventional wisdom on this one.



Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Houston...Apollo 8...

And the radio crackled to life as 250,000 miles from earth, Apollo 8 came around from the dark side of the moon.

"It is my pleasure to extend an offer of employment to you to join The Chapel..." And I feel like I've come around from the dark side of the moon. With a handshake and a conversation about next steps, start dates, and bookshelves, I joined the team at The Chapel (www.chapel.org).

As of March 22, I will be Associate Campus Pastor at the Libertyville campus. I'm not going to go into the details of what that means...but know that I am excited to use my gifts and experience and passion to serve in this capacity.

God has been guiding this process...which is why it's gone so quickly and smoothly. He has affirmed this decision in the same ways that I outlined in a previous post.

I am both humbled and excited to join this movement.

Peace on the Journey,


Saturday, March 03, 2007

dark side of the moon...

I was watching a PBS show the other night about the Apollo 8 project - the first time that people orbitted the moon. It was a great show.

Before that show, I reflected with a few people that I have felt like I have been on the dark side of the moon - thinking back to the movie Apollo 13.

So to see that imagery again was striking for me.

It's that place when the space capsule has been caught by the moon's gravity and begins to orbit. As it goes around the moon, to the dark side, it looses all communication with earth. Silence.

In the background of the narrator of the show, I heard the lone voice: Apollo 8, Houston. Apollo 8, Houston. Every 30 seconds. That was his job...to keep putting it out there until there was finally a crackling response...Houston, Apollo 8. Then relief and open channel communication.

In this transition process, I've felt like that. I stepped out in faith, trusting what I could not see. But as I let go of one handle, I felt like I slipped out of communication. Not that God wasn't there or even still talking...but it was time to trust. I had to trust that the trajectory of gravity would continue to pull me around the dark side of the moon and back into a place where I could see more clearly.

The dark side of the moon is a scary place. If you choke and hit the thrusters to speed things along, you'll break out of the moon's gravity and head into deep space with no chance of recovery...lost. But if you simply trust and hold steady...one step at a time...then you'll hear the voice again.

I don't think I'm in full view of earth yet. But I hear the crackling voice of Houston once again. And it won't be long now.