Sunday, March 25, 2007

what a weekend!

This was my first weekend as a leader at The Chapel. Heidi and I went to Saturday worship at the Grayslake campus - it was great to run into people I had met earlier during the week and even some friends. Then, this morning, we were introduced to the people at the Hawthorn campus (Libertyville) and were so warmly welcomed by the people. I loved having the chance to connect with so many people before, between, and after worship. What a great day.

I loved having Heidi by my side. There were moments when the people were coming around us like a wave and we were both making connections. We would just back into each other, know the other was there, and keep going. I love having an amazing and strong wife.

I'm only 4 days in and am loving it. There is hard work ahead, but a great team with which to lock arms and do it.

Tomorrow is family day and it's supposed to be nice outside. Should be a great day to play, laugh, and enjoy being the Furrs!



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