Tuesday, March 27, 2007

loving it!

I'm less than a week into my new role at The Chapel...and loving it. It's great on so many levels. When I stepped into the "abyss" I had no idea I'd get to step into something like this. Thank you, God!

Had a great Daddy Night with the kids. I love hanging out with them. It's fun to see each of them develop into their own person - quirks and all.

We're starting to look ahead to summer...going to have some great visits with friends and family. We begin by having Heidi's sister and bil here this weekend - Dave and Kat are fun to have around. The kids will be so excited to spend time with them. They come in Friday night.

Amidst the busyness and new pace of life, I'm still connecting with God. One of my fears of going to a large church like The Chapel is that He would be pushed out. Though it looks a bit different, I am thankful for His continual presence and the quiet moments that we still get.



1 comment:

Michelle Van Loon said...

Of course you're loving it!

Six months from now, I'm thinking it'll feel like you've been there the entire time you've lived in IL. :)

Praying that the desire for those moments with God continues and even intensifies for you - even though the demands on your time are going to explode exponentially.
