Friday, November 05, 2004

great friends...

I've got incredible friends. I got a phone call yesterday from one of them could, perhaps, be one of the most meaningful (beyond words, really) interactions that I've ever had. The community that God has for us really is a sacred thing...and it was created to last for eternity. What a gift.

Last night was the Catalyst worship gathering. It was good...a little jumbled up, but good. One of the things that I love about that group is that it's more about the community together than it is the smoothness of the production. Even when there are technical difficulties, that's okay...we're all in this together.

My message was beginning a series on our roots as Christ-followers. Our story doesn't begin with Jesus; it goes back to the beginning, when God, the Creator, began to invovle himself in this world. The story I began with was about Abraham and his test of faith.

Get this, a father, Abraham, who had already proven his faithfulness to God in many ways, was put to the test by being asked to sacrifice his only son. That sounds pretty grousome these days -- we don't even like to think about a sacrifice of a lamb or goat. It was just as gruesome then. But instead of running away, this man knew that Isaac was a gift from God and that he would return home with his one, one way or another. What incredible faith.

God asks me to give him everything. I know what it is that he wants, he wants my heart...that my love for him should rise above my love for anything or anyone else. To say that isn't easy is an understatement. It's not supposed to be easy...or even pleasant. When he pries my hands from around my treasure, whatever it is, it hurts.

But in the end, it's so worth it. Because in the end, he fills whatever void is left...many times over. He desires to be my pleasure and fulfillment. He desires to be worshipped by me without any hinderance or reservation.

My sacrifice is not made in a void. He went first. Just like God provided a lamb for the sacrifice to spare Isaac's life in the story, he also provides a substitute in the life and death of his only, beloved son, Jesus. He went first. Now, in response, he calls me to do the same.

I can explain more soon.



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