Wednesday, November 17, 2004

back at it...

Today was my first day back at the office after "vacation." It was actually a pretty good day -- usually the first day back is full of catching up and trying to get unburried from the stuff that piled up while away. My awesome assistant Stacia kept it all going while I was gone -- shout out to Stacia!!

Heidi's at worship team rehearsal while I'm at home with the kids. They were in bed pretty early, so I'm essentially home alone. The quiet is nice.

tomorrow night is the Catalyst worship gathering. I'm not fully prepared yet, but know that tomorrow will provide the opportunity to catch up. My message will be centered on the story of Moses leading the Hebrew people out of captivity in Egypt. It's a huge story, but a great picture of God's grace and mercy.

So many people in this world living in bondage of one sort or another -- alcohol, drugs, work, co-dependant relationships, meterialism, etc. Instead of letting everyone just languish in their slavery, God works to set us all free. But do we really know how to live in the freedom? Sometime I think that we're afraid of the freedom.



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