Tuesday, December 14, 2004

two things...

There were two goals that I had for this past weekend...

1) A great time making memories with my closest friend, Rick. Mission accomplished. We have enough glance-at-each-other-and-wet-yourself-laughing moments to last us well into the second decade of this century.

2) Find a home for my family. Mission accomplished. We left Chicago (late because of the wind...irony is fun) with about 6 homes that would fit the bill. I placed an offer on number one...today I heard from the real estate agent.

I bought a pool table...and the nice people threw in a 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath home in Lake Villa, IL. New address is: Matt and Heidi Furr, 2181 N. Heartland Path, Lake Villa, IL 60046.

It's going to be a great home for my family.

So...I guess we're moving to Illinois...cool.

NCIS is on...I'll share more later.



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