Tuesday, October 12, 2004

...on a jet plane...

Heidi and I just got home from flying to Chicago with the kids. We visited some friends out there and thought flying might better than driving 10 hours...it worked great!

Both Izak and Libby were awesome and did their daddy proud. Izak looked like a little muppet witting in his seat with seatbelt locked! It was hilarious!

As well as it went, we are all exhausted. Time to recover and settle.

Met with out small group tonight...I love that gang. They are a treasure from God.

Back to the office tomorrow to jump back into an incredible ministry year.

Shout out to Kevin, Sara, and Lukas for letting us crach your pad for the weekend...no matter how much you like someone, having them in your home has a price -- you were awesome! We're working on helmets for the next visit..!

So much to say...so little brain left today.



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