Thursday, July 29, 2004

Democratic Convention...

Warning: I'm writing this while trying to keep an ear on the tv. These days, I'm not very good keeping track of one thought, let alone multi-tasking...

The beginning point of my political leaning is right of center. Since being old enough to step into the voting booth, I've voted for 2 Bushes and a Dole. I have always enjoyed politics and been very glad to be a conservative at multiple levels and a registered Republican.

But lately, I've had a growing desire to think beyond the politics to the impact of policy. As a follower of Jesus, I want to integrate my faith into every area of my life -- including my politics.

So I've been watching the Democratic National Convention. I confess that some of what I've seen and heard has been pretty inspiring. The speech by Barak Obama, Senate Candidate from Illinois, was great. He painted a picture of America that resonated with me -- a picture of equality, responsibility, hope, and fairness. If the vote was for him, I might be swayed...but then he talked about John Kerry. The two things didn't seem to jive. But that's just my impression for now...

I don't know much about John Kerry. I'll listen to his speech and watch him on the campaign trail. I want to be open to changing my opinion.

I admire the candor of George Bush's faith in Jesus. I believe he's sincere in his devotion to Christ. I admire his steadfastness in leadership. I wish that he would integrate his faith into care for the poor in a more proactive way.

Here's what's important to me in a president:

1) personal character
2) policies that are built on a foundation of compassion for the broken and responsibility for everyone
3) foreign policy that seeks justice through diplomacy and integrity -- doing what you say you will do
4) international compassion for people and nations that can't stand up unde the pressure of capitalism -- fair traide, debt forgiveness, justice in nations even if there are not immediate American considerations (Africa, for example).

This won't be the last time that I'll process some of this here. What are your thoughts as we jump headlong into the campaign season?



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