Monday, August 02, 2004

mulch and more...

Well, Monday was another family day for the Furrs. We had a nice morning -- everyone played nice. Then in the afternoon, I spread mulch around the yard. The town where we live has free mulch for anyone to haul away. If you dig in the right part of the pile, you can get some good stuff! I dug. Then filled a pick-up bed. Then spread it around the yard. Then did it again. That's a lot of work for a fat kid! But it was good to get it done.

I stayed up late last Thursday to hear John Kerry's speech at the convention. I was very tired on Friday and pretty uninspired on Thursday. He's trying very hard to project a specific image -- an image that seems different than the reality. So I'll keep watching and processing. Only 90 more days to go!

Tomorrow is a big day. I head into the office with a new assistant waiting for me. Laura, who worked with me for the past two years, is not giving leadership to the young adult ministry (still working with me). Now Stacia is the one charged with making sure I don't miss appointments and that my spelling and grammer are write. Hats off to Laura who put up with me for two years and then signed on for the next leg of the journey. Hats off to Stacia who doesn't know better!

My family will be coming to town this week. It's a special weekend for us. Because of our faith in Jesus and our passionate desire to honor Him with every aspect of our lives, we will be participating in a special service to dedicate our daughter, Liberty Kathryn, to God. It's a recognition that she is a gift from Him and an exceptance on our part to partner with God in shaping her.

Parenting a girl is different than a boy. Both have their challenges, no doubt. Because I have some experience knowing what a boy needs to become a man, I entered parenthood with Izak with a measure of confidence. But with a seems different. I know that God will guide our steps, just like with my son. But it's different.

Heidi and I are enjoying a quiet house by sitting by each other (which doesn't happen very often with two kids) and watching the Battle at the Bridges (golf rocks!).



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