Wednesday, March 02, 2005

office changes...

I spent a couple hours today making some changes at the office. Dee, the Administrative Assistant at church, is moving to another location...closer to the door, which makes it easier for her to greet guests. Now that she's moved, Jon and his crew will work on making another office down by me (not that any of this make sense to those of you who have never seen the Northwest building). Kevin will take the office in the next few weeks. It will be awesome to have him closer...easier for me to pester!

I spent another serveal hours this evening chasing down a new microwave. Ours died. Apparently, there has been a run on over-the-range's impossible to find on in stock for less than 400 bucks...and I'm definatley paying less than 400 bucks. Found one for 150...but I have to wait until next week to pick it up. I hope Libby and Izak begin liking cold milk!

Not much exciting. I'm going to read a bit and then go to bed.




Dawn said...

Who is Kevin exactly?

Matt and Heidi said...

Kevin's the associate pastor at Northwest. He's a great guy...I love working with him...and we've just begun (do you hear the soft music beginnig to play in the background?).