Thursday, March 27, 2008

over the door

Seth Godin (a prolific blogger on remarkability in business) writes that there is a sign over the door from the kitchen in his favorite hotel that reminds wait staff:

"If you're not proud of it, don't serve it." [Note: the word "proud" in this blog does not mean's used to communite something that I feel great about being a part of.]

In the hustle of life and ministry, it can sometimes be easy to settle into a standard that is less than excellent. Get the project done and out the door and then move onto the next one.

So what is a good "standard of excellence"? It's Matt's version of excellent when I can say, "I'm proud of that."

Am I proud of the message I'm writing to give this weekend?
Am I proud of the elements of the service?
Am I proud of the time I gave to the person who stopped in because they needed to speak to a pastor?
Am I proud of the way I interacted with my staff today?

What about other arenas...

Am I proud of the time I spent with my kids?
Am I proud of the time I spent along with God?
Am I proud of the way I manage my life/time/money?

"Proud of" is not the same as perfect. There are rythms to life that impact my ability to do any of the above. But in light of reality, how do I feel about what I "serve" to the people around me and to God?

What about you?

1 comment:

--julie said...

Hey Matt,

Just wanted to thank you for the great message at church yesterday...something you definitely can be proud of! You had a message with something for me and for my neighbor.....