Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Last week, I spent a few days in Buffalo, NY. It was great to spend some time with old friends and be with people who continue to mean a great deal to me.

This trip was unique from past trips...I had some new friends along with me. Scott and Jamie were with me. Along with having several great meetings planned, they were also eager for me to show them around my old world.

We drove around the city, where I had invested in several great ministry ventures. I drove them past our old house - a great little Civil War era cottage on two acres of land. We walked through the campus of Hamburg Wesleyan, getting a chance to meet so many people who are embedded deep in my heart.

It was my world...not theirs. I cannot overemphasize the gift it was to me that they cared so much about seeing a bit of my past. They listened as I told the stories. They waited patiently as I hugged and talked with a few friends. They met so many of the staff who are dear to me.

What a gift these men gave me. When I came on board, they talked about the desire to be a "band of brothers" in serving Christ. That hope has become a reality into which I have been invited. I am honored to lock arms with these men and follow Christ in faithful obedience.


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