Wednesday, January 03, 2007

According to Jim...

There really isn't much good on tv most nights. I look, but you know, most of it is brain garbage. One of my peeves with much of tv is that it portrays men as idiots, sexual dogs, or feminized in some way. Raymond, 31/2 Men, Friends, Seinfeld, etc.

But there is a show that caught my attention as I was surfing during the Sugar Bowl. I consider it one of my duties to surf during commercials (don't even get me going about the commercials during "family hours" while football is on...). I came across According to Jim. I've seen it before and it's funny. But tonight, Jim was teaching his son to be a man...and Mom wasn't having it. I love the way that the show captured the tension of boys becoming men and how Mommies don't always like it.

While discussing this, Jim says to his wife, "God gave boys dads to teach them how to be men." Bullseye!!!! I'm not saying I agree with the vision of manhood that Jim was putting out there, but he nailed it in that one line.

God made us dads in order to teach our boys how to be men. How true it is...




Anonymous said...

And it's sad how many men CHOOSE not be be dads to their boys. I wonder how many of the men who are currently not involved in their children's lives had fathers who were not involved in their own lives... A vicious cycle that needs to be stopped!

This weekend I caught The Persuit of Happyness (no, no i). An awe inspiring story of a man who faught to make his son his #1 priority. Not recommended for your young kids but a great movie to catch!!

Anonymous said...

Kyle Chandler's character on "Friday Night Lights" is one of the best examples of a good husband/father I've ever seen on TV. If you're looking for something...

C-Man said...

dude, love the post. i imagine you are an awesome dad!