Saturday, January 13, 2007


I've always been comfortable with ambiguity and a certain amount of chaos. As a matter of fact, Heidi is always reminding me to "let sleeping dogs lie." I'm not sure what they feel they need to lie about...they can't even talk, for crying out loud! But I'm not one to let things setting in too much.

But much of my prayer energy this past several months has been for clarity. God's funny that way...take the kid who likes change and ambiguity and put him in a position that he needs clarity.

Leadership requires clarity. It's one thing for me to muddle around on roads I don't's totally another to bring others along with me. To lead requires clarity.

And so I pray for clarity to lead well. It doesn't always come in the way that I expect it...but it always comes. God's little tip of the hat to the kid who likes to be surprised...I'll show you the picture, but I won't tell you how we get there.

As long as I can be surprised a little, I'm all good with clarity...

Not much there...just something I'm stirring on as I sit in the library wrapping up my message, praying, and journaling.



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