Sunday, January 14, 2007

I'm learning...


I've said it before on this blog and anyone who knows me knows that I like to drive. In another life, I'll be a trucker or something. But for now, I'm a pastor, who works weekends. So when I get the chance to take a long drive, I usually take it...even if it means a little chaos for others.

Heidi took off to visit some friends for a couple days, so I'm on duty with the kids. I love my time with them and thought it would be fun to visit the cousins in Michigan. So after church today, I scrambled (with the amazing help of 3...count them 3 people) to pack the suitcase, get some food, hook up the dvd player in the van, find the pack-n-play, and get everyone in the van. I could only get that far because Heidi was long gone already.

The kids were stoked. I was ready for a challenge and a drive. Izak was ready to be my helping hands on the road. And we were off!

Then there was that feeling in the pit of my stomach. Not the one that told me Heidi would frown on such an adventure (I had already dispatched that voice an hour earlier when I even considered making the trip). But this was the voice that said, "Hey, Furr...these kinds of trips are great for you, but do you really need to drag your kids into your vortex of nuts?"'re right little voice. Maybe it was God...or maybe He just let "common sense" handle this one. Either way, on the south side of Chicago, after about an hour on the road, I took the exit and turned around.

I felt stupid even being in that situation. But hey, I listened to that voice much sooner than I ever would have earlier in the my life. Hey, look at me...I'm growing!!

So the kids and I had a nice drive to and from the big city. They got to watch a couple videos in the car, which they thought was great. And we got McDonalds for dinner. That's a good time!

We're at home. Where we all belong...


Anonymous said...

What a dad !!!! That wee small voice had to be the Holy Spirit..

Thanks for listening....otherwise we can make ourselves NUTS>


fetzer said...

Next time you should take Seth and I on the road trip. We are much better behaved than kids.

Armenio & Luska said...

You sounded like Armenio... he'd take our kids on the most uncommon road trips. Ask him about them!