Saturday, January 20, 2007

a boy needs his dad...

Sometime, a boy just needs his dad...

the other day, Izak just seemed out of sorts to me. He was just pushing and pushing - not always unusual for a 4 year old, I know. But it just didn't seem right. Then, as were upstairs getting ready for bed, he saw me standing down the long hallway in my room. He looked at me with steel in his eyes...and ran for all he was worth. Not to hug. Not to jump on. He just ran straight into me with all he was worth. Then he backed up and did it again.

Ahh...that's what he needs...time to wrestle!!

So I grabbed him, tossed him on the bed and tickled him like crazy. He tickled me. We laughed and rolled and wrestled. We got back down on the floor and I looked at him with crazy eyes, crouched down in a 3-point stance (like the front line of a football team) and ran right into him, pulling him to the floor.

He liked the looks of that. He got up, crouched in a 3-point stance. And plowed into me as hard as he could.

I must confess, it did a dad's heart proud to see my boy looking like a defensive lineman!

Sometimes a boy just needs his dad.

I've processing some huge things these days. I sometimes feel alone and confused...not sure which end is up. I have great mentors and advisors.

But today, I talked with my dad. He shared his wisdom and heart. He asked hard questions. He pushed on my ideas with grace and strength. He got in the trenches with me.

Sometimes, a man just needs his dad.

Thanks, Dad...


Anonymous said...

And their is nothing like a son that a dad can be proud of. Daughters are pretty special, too. Gotta put that in, just in case any of the girls read this!!
Love you, Matt.


Armenio & Luska said...

Ohhhh..... how sweet!!! And true to!!!