Friday, September 17, 2004

nothing profound...

I've got nothing today. For some of you who read the blog with any regularity, that may not be any news...

I guess some days are just days, aren't they. I get up, hang with my kids and wife a little bit. Go to work. Do my work. Go home. Play, eat, give baths, enjoy the quiet, go to bed. Some days are just days.

Here's a little something...

There was a little kid walking down the hallway at the church this morning. He was crying for his mom. Somehow, his heart was just breaking and he knew that Mom would help. There's just something in him that drew him towards him mom...justbeing there would make the world a better place for him.

As Greg and I were making note of that, I was struck by this: we were all created with something that tells us that God will make it okay. We might learn through life that we can't trust Him, but that's pretty much because people let us down and we learn that we can't trust much of anything. But God just doesn't let us down. He's always there with us and is eager for us to cry for the little boy crying for Mom.

There is was, right in the middle of a regular old day...a reminder of God's love. I guess I just had to be open to seeing it.

Have a great weekend.


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