Thursday, September 02, 2004

eradicate socialism...

Here's my plan for all the conservatives who would love to see the end of socialism or socialist political ideas/ideals...

1) Elect governement officials who are fiscally conservative -- men and women who will cut taxes and spending.

2) At the same time, Christ-followers around the nation/world would will follow the example and teaching of Jesus is regards to the poor.

If these two things would happen, then socialism, as a political dynamic, would cease to be relevant and then probably exist.

Now, this is not a back-handed way to say that we should elect liberal/progressive/socialist leaders. Jesus had very strong perspectives on caring for the poor, justice for everyone, and supporting those who incapable of supporting themselves (handicapped, elderly, and in his day, the widows and orphans). But Jesus' agenda was not a political one. That's actually one of the reasons that he was betrayed -- Judas couldn't understand why Jesus' political aspirations were not yet realized.

Jesus' agenda was one of personal transformation and corporate action for those who would make up the community of his followers -- eventually known as the church.

If Christ-followers would absorb the priorities of Jesus, then we would care for those in need in ways that offer hope, opportunity, respect, love, and accountability. In that sort of environment, two things will happen:

1) Like I said earlier, the socialist political agenda will become irrelevant. Jesus cared for people so much more effectively and winsomely than any government could.

2) The Christian Church would regain her relevance that she is not losing because of her self-centeredness (which is not the case with all churches, but with too many). We talk a great deal about God's love. Taking Christ's lead, we will also show the world the kind of love he talked about. Who doesn't respect someone who is loving the unlovely and standing up for the oppressed? The end result is to bring honor to the name of Jesus!

3) I am transformed. By being in situations to respond with the spirit of Jesus, I actually become more like him in my soul. I am no longer just Matt...I'm Matt who is looking more and more like Jesus. I dig that!

Now, many who are familiar with church budgets will respond, "No way! We can barely afford to pay our current bills as it is, there's no way we can pick up the tab to feed the hungry, provide health care for those who need it, and send all these kids to schools." True...given the current set of priorites for most local churches.

Most local churches establish a set of priorities that revolve around the building called the church. Buildings aren't bad, hear me on this. It isn't wrong to have a building where people gather to worship and learn and grow and share life together. But I do see a problem with the incredible amounts of money spent on spectacular buildings, not to mention the money spent for upkeep. Then, not only is money spent on the buildings, the buildings often drive the programming that takes place within them. "No, we can't do that because it will make the carpet too dirty." and other conversations about the way the facility is used.

What would happen if the local church raised 3/5/10/15 million dollars over the course of three years to care for the poor? "But we can't sustain that kind of giving." Really? Yeah, people put off vacations and new cars and moving to bigger houses and expensive dinners and...during those three years to contribute to the building program. So people won't make the same sacrifices in order to care for the poor and bring justice to the oppressed? hmmm...

What would happen if the 3-year campaign slogans became a way of life? Shazam!

Just a thought...



1 comment:

C-Man said...

JUST A THOUGHT? Dude that hurt my head.

Stop it.