Monday, October 05, 2009

Friendship (part 1)

I've been processing friendship a bit lately. At the ripe old age of 36, I have enough track-record on which to look back and think about the decisions I have made as a friend and in fostering friendships with others.

One of the first things I realize is that some friendships are one-way and others are two-way. At first glance, it may seem that one-way friendship isn't friendship at all. Not true. It's possible to have some people in whom I invest myself. The flavor of that investment is friendship (sharing life together, authenticity, transparency, etc.). But it also has a purpose. And I don't expect mutuality in return.

Even though one-way friends can be a part of our lives, we also need two-way friendships. Those are relationships with people who invest themselves back our way, who watch our back, ask probing questions in return. A life void of two-way friendships is a life that's missing something crucial.

Think about your friends. Do you have some one-way friendships in whom you are investing yourself? Are you even the recipient of some one-way friendships? And do you also have some two-way friendships?

Sharing the journey,


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