Thursday, June 01, 2006

still here...

I didn't realize it's been this long since I posted. I guess the words about Heidi are a great way to leave it hanging for a couple weeks.

Life has been pretty intense lately. I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to be learning...I think it has to do with trusting God even when it doesn't feel good. I also think I'm supposed to be learning to give thanks for the challenges -- not in spite of them, but for them. That idea scraped across my mind last night and I'm still processing it a bit. Probably worth a post or two in the near future.

I was thinking about blogging the other day. When I began, I was an assistant pastor at a large church...I didn't get many opportunities to speak. Now, I'm the lead pastor at a smaller church and I speak/teach weekly, at least. I don't think it spells the end of blogging, but I may account for some of the longer stretches between posts...I have other outlets for thoughts and ideas. Anyway...

Heidi and I are heading out together tonight. The monkeys are all in bed and (relatively) quiet. Will be nice to have some focused time with her. Ms. B called and asked if she could come over so we could get out -- what an incredible gift! Thanks, Ms. B.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh... if only there was a way to put the monkeys to bed...then the children could get some sleep :)
Glad you could have some alone time with the Mrs.