Tuesday, May 16, 2006

My Wife...

I have an amazing wife. Really...I do. If you know her, you have gotten a glimpse of that and would agree. But I know her more than any other person in this world. After 11 years of marriage, I know her better than her sister and mother and father and...anyone. Not because I'm so special or discerning (I am a man, you know), but because she has chosen to share herself with me. What a gift!

- I am continually amazed at her strength and fortitude as a mother. No matter how tired she is (she hasn't slept more than 3 full nights in the past 4 years, if that) she digs down deep and does what she needs to do to serve the kids and me. She gets up in the middle of the night to comfort a teething toddler. She takes the time to discipline a growing boy when it would be so much easier to just let it slide -- but that doesn't help him, does it? When she gets to the end, there is just a little bit more to give.

- I am honored by the respect that she gives me. She has more brain power than I could hope for. She is gifted and skilled to the hilt. Yet she respects me. And she tells me so. She knows the power of her words and how she communicates love and respect. That power is huge!

- I love to hear her sing. When she sings praise to our God, it's amazing to hear. She's got muscial skill, that's for sure. But in worship, she has a gift. I have benefited more than anyone else from that.

- Her laugh is infectious. She loves to laugh. A witty line. Someone falling down or getting startled. Physical humor is her favorite. Her eyes light up and the room fills with her laugh.

- Her tender touch is beyond amazing. I have known that touch as she gently rubs my shoulders or plays with my hair...even just holding her hand. I have seen the effects of that magical touch as she holds a crying child who is throwing up. One gentle touch and everything seems to be ok. I think that's one of the things that makes her a wonderful and sought-after nurse.

- She loves Jesus. She trusts him. She chases after him. She would rather give up the closeness of her soul-mate friends and move to another part of the country than disobey him. Her life is a reflection of love and obedience working together.

- She uses her words well. She asks a good question and helps a friend process a challenging situation. She offers some discerning insight and brings clarity to a confusing situation. She challenges my heart in a matter, and helps keep me soft before God. Words have power. She wields her power well.

Those are just a few of the things that I've learned and love about Heidi. And we've really only begun this journey together. There will be more teething, diapers, flu bugs, school meetings, worship gatherings, vacations, soccer games, football games, graduations, military graduations, disappointements, celebrations...more life to come. And I get the honor to join hands with this amazing woman and walk through life with her.

My Beloved...you are a treasure to me...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your love for your Wife, Your Family and above all God is encourageing! Thank you for sharing your heart.