Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sunday night...

Not a very creative title to a blog, I know. But that's about what I have tonight. I'm about as drained as I can remember ever being. But at the same time, my spirit is in a great place. Body weak. Spirit strong.

Izak woke up this morning with a mighty yak. So Heidi won another day at home with the kids. She doesn't complain at all, though it's got to be intense. What an incredible lady! That's why Mother's Day is so big!

Libby started yakking again, too. Two out of three. The day is just getting better. Levi seems to be ok...for now.

At the moment, all the kids are down for the night. Heidi is at Small Group...a little chance to get out and hang with big people. And I've got the quiet house to myself.

Rick, a soul-mate of a friend, is coming out next weekend. We're going to get a few rounds of golf in. Golf is our haven together. There's nothing like a day on the course with Rick. He's a gift to me. It's perfect timing for some time together. I miss him. And in challenging times, he's a good friend to simply talk things through. He knows me well enough to not let me get away with anything. And he's encouraging and builds me up at the same time. Friends like that are a gift.

That's the scoop from here...



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