Saturday, June 03, 2006

Daddy Weekend...

There have been Daddy Days since Izak was born. Well, we're upgrading this weekend. It's going to be a Daddy Weekend! Heidi and her 8-month-old appendage are heading out of town for 48 hours, beginning Sunday morning.

Yeah, it's a little crazy to think about Sunday am flying solo. But I figure I might as well give it a run sometime, right? If Heidi is ever to be involved in the worship gathering, then I need to learn what it feels like to get the kids there in the morning, since she'd need to be there early, too.

I'm a little nervous about getting to church about 20 minutes prior to it beginning...I'm used to be there a couple hours ahead. That just means I need to get my head and heart ready tonight instead of counting on that time in the morning. I can do it.

Then the rest of the day we will play, nap a bit (maybe) and then slide into bed for a quiet night. And unicorns, Big Foot, and Nessie all exist, too!

It's been quite a week. We're doing interviews at Northwest for a Youth Pastor. Can't tip my hat here since there are no final decisions at this point. Keep posted...we hope to make a decision this week. It's a big deal on many fronts. And it's certainly been an opportunity for God to grow our (the other leaders and me) faith...and that's a good thing.

In this and other situations, I'm learning to trust and walk by faith...even when I don't know what even the next step is supposed to look like. Again, that good. That 's how faith is grown and developed. It's just not comfortable. I guess that's the point.

Heading to bed.



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