Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Climate Change...

Al Gore has been getting around lately. He's putting all of his energy and credibility into his recently released movie about the changing climate and the crucial reality that we need to face. He believes strongly in what he's preaching. He's committed to getting the word out that humans (Americans in specific) are bringing about incredible and destructive changes to the earth's climate that will result in catastrophe, making Katrina look like a fresh spring rain.

I've been interested to learn more about this idea. I confess that I haven't spent the kind of time and money on it that Gore has. Nor am I a researcher in this field. So I, like most of us, must rely on the inputs of people who are deemed reliable and credible sources. In learning more, I came across this piece, which is worth the read. You can link to it at:

If offers a credible challenge to the theory that Gore is supporting in his movie. Again, it's worth a read.

The take-away for me on this issue is multifaceted. Personally, I want to do my part to care well for creation. That's been a growing edge for me the past 5 or 6 years. We recycle all that we can at home and at the church. Northwest is using mugs that get washed instead of styrofoam cups for coffee. I "lust" a little less over trucks and look more at a future small car that has better fuel economy -- though I make no promises that a Tacoma may not get the best of me in the future!

I also think we have important responses as a local and global worshipping community. The Church ought to be at the front of the line on caring well for creation. The one we are most passionatley in love with created it all. Think about it. If Heidi, the object of my deepest human affection, creates something...I'm pretty defensive about it. I don't let other people mess with it. I don't even want the kids to mess with it. Her "creation" is a reflection of her and I don't want that tainted.

The world around us is a reflection of God. It reflects his creativity, beauty, mercy, wonder, grandure, structure. If He is the object of our deepest affection, then why would we not want to work to protect and care for that in which He invested so much? Humans are the crown of creation, sure. But that doesn't negate the rest of it.

So I'm still growing and learning. And I'm much more inclined to continue that path out of love for the Creator versus fear, guilt, or peer pressure. Check out the article. Experience a little freedom from guilt and fear. And then go hug a tree!




Anonymous said...

Furr did you really just end that with "Go hug a tree" make me laugh :)

Frank said...

Hi Matt, Happy belated Fathers Day.
Had a great day with all the gang plus a few extra friends from Canada.
Read your blog on climate change and found it interesting.
Can't bring myself around to read anything by Al Gore though.
If you are interested I have some of my own thoughts about the global warming situation and the envirement that I posted on my blog, if your interested.
Ouisie& I miss you guys. Its nice to have Laura home even if it is for just a short period of time.