Sunday, September 25, 2005

Walk by faith...

This weekend we continued our series exploring who we are becoming. More than what we are doing, God is shaping our hearts to become a certain kind of community. As He shapes our hearts, then our actions will flow out of who we are. Success is not growing. Success is redefined as becoming the people we were created to be. Success is becoming a community that is know by love, walks by faith, and serves as a voice of hope in the world. If we do that, then we win.

Today, we talked about what it looks like to walk by faith. It's a challenge, requiring us to be dialed into God's voice. If we are to walk by faith, we must listen to Him. Frankly, it would be much easier to simply do a bunch of church stuff...not bad stuff, but also not stuff that requires much faith.

It's hard work to listen. It's hard work to wait until God moves. It's hard work to step out in faith. Why? Because all of these things are counter-intuitive for us, as human beings. We're more naturally comfortable with listening to our own voices and motivations, not listening for God. We're more comfortable walking ahead, doing what we think we should do. It's hard work because walking by faith take the focus off of me...and that's not natural.

But the results are worth it! By faith, I connect with eternity. My little step of faith, connects my life with the eternal. A step of faith to mend a fractured relationship connects with the perfect peace that comes in the future. My step of faith toward justice connects with God's eternal heart of justice.

Not only does it connect me with the eternal not-yet, it allows me to see God at work here and now. I believe that God can heal people who are sick and dying. I believe that God can free people from the slavery of addictions. I believe that God can save broken marriages and fractures friendships. I can't do any of those things...for me or anyone else. But by walking by faith, I can see God all of those things...I can see lives being transformed in major ways...and I can experience that in my own life.

So,'s hard work. But it's so worth it. What do you think?

Peace on the journey,


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