Thursday, September 01, 2005

random thoughts (or pseudo-thoughts)...

I actually don't feel much like writing. It's been a busy week, requiring many words from me...I've used up my alotment and am looking for a place to just curl up and say nothing. But until then...

- I've been keeping up with the unfolding devestation in the south along with the rest of the country. My thoughts range from prayer for those involved to unbelief that anyone would think it a good idea to build a city in a bowl. But I have the luxury to second-guess and avert my eyes from the pain because the bodies aren't floating by my submerged home. Mostly I pray. I pray for endurance for those who are working so hard, peace for those who are still awaiting rescue, grace for those who are at the end of themselves, and comfort for those who would be happy to have lost just their home.

- I'm proud of my boy. I don't think he's completely ready to outsource the daddy job, but I'm not sure he's needing me these days (I'm not really serious about this, so don't bother writing me about all the ways that daddies are important). He has pretty much potty trained himself. He's not so much into the whole pooping thing, but he's all over the fun work of aiming! And now he's put himself into his "big boy" bed. more least not for now. He's all over his twin bed with railings to keep him in bounds when he jumps. It's pretty incredible to look in on him and see him sleeping in a "real" bed. Just in time to move the crib into the other room for "you-know-who"...

- My wife is going to have another baby soon. Yup...I'm not sure why no one told me about this! We're counting weeks instead of months. And soon, it will turn to days...then hours...then pushes. I can't wait to meet this kid. No strong hunches yet...boy or girl?

- My folks are coming for a quick visit this weekend. It's nice to be close enough that we can do overnights. It's good to check in with them, share a bit of life.

- Heidi and I went on a date tonight. She texted (may not be a real word, but pretend with me that it is) in the middle of the day that she found a sitter and made reservations. We went to Tsukasa, a Japenese steak house. We've heard this one was good...even better than Bennihana's. It was good...but not better than our normal Japenese's just nice to be out together.

So there is a random spattering of things floating loosely through my mind.



1 comment:

Frank said...

Hi Matt,
I am struggling also with this whole New Orleans and Louisianna disaster.
I have my own personal thoughts about it which you can read on my blog.
Yep, I took Heidi's advise, and with the help of Dan, started my own blog. "".
I have been praying for you and Heidi that the birth of this baby goes smoothly.
I had to quack up over Heidi's latest blog, it made me laugh.
It is so GREAT to have Laura home, even if it is only for a few days! I love her so much! But I am happy for her because she is with you guys and she is also loving Wheaton.
Why do children have to grow up so quickly? What's the rush?
I guess our parents said the same about us when we were kids.
Glad to hear your family is well.
We miss you over here.