Saturday, July 09, 2005

A few rounds of golf later...

What a week!!

First of all, I want to thank Heidi for making this past week happen. Since we moved to IL, she has made it a priority for me to golf with Rick. She was the one who told me to put a golf trip on the books. And she has been consistent in her admonition to take some time away by myself to get some rest. There may have been times this week in which she doubted her sanity at such a suggestion, but she has remained steadfast in her support and encouragement of me taking this time away. I can't put to words how thankful I am for her gift to me.

I missed my family something fierce. I love them and don't like to be away from them. I missed Libby's intense happiness and Izak's new expressions. I missed tucking him into bed at night and saying a quick prayer before Lowly Worm gets kissed goodnight. And I missed the company of my soul-mate...simply sharing space with Heidi is a treasure that gives me strength.

That being said, it was a great week of rest and play. Here's a quick breakdown...

Monday - drove to Erie, PA and spent some time alone. I love to drive long distances...this was great! Saw War of the Worlds...give it a C-.

Tuesday - drove to Eden, NY to see the Musielaks. Helped Rick put up a swing station in the back were very excited about that. Drove past old house...strange. It didn't feel like "home" anymore...guess that's good because it isn't home. Spent the afternoon golfing a wonderful course in the hills of Caturaugus County. Had dinner with Rick and Carrie at Beef-N-Barrell...great food and company!! Connected with Pincosky's (Carrie's folks who life on Whig Street) a few minutes and headed home.

Wednesday - woke up early (like we always did) to head to PA for golf. An hour and a half later, we were in heaven! Round 1 lasted about 3 hours. We learned that in a cart, we still couldn't catch two old guys on foot...lesson: golfing every day is better than renting a cart. Stopped for a dog. Round 2 lasted about four hours. Lesson: two old guys in a cart who have never played the course are slower than two young guys who play it several times a year. Another old prostate makes you stop and pee every other hole...not to self...

After golf, we headed back to Eden for a quick bite and then to "beach" volleyball at the Buxton (a crappy bar with no beach-front property, but a big sand-pit in the back). Say several old friends. After volleyball, went to Roadhouse for messy sundaes with the Goble clan. Good friends. Good conversation. Good dessert. Good night.

Thursday - surprised several people by popping in on them. Only a handful of people knew that I would be in town. So I just showed up...saw several friends and the staff at Hamburg Wesleyan. It was great to connect. Then up to the city to touch base with Cerbones and McKwacz's...good to see their faces! Tried to head out of town by noon...yeah right. Left Hamburg about 6pm and drove to Indiana. Got to stop and enjoy a great sunset in Cleaveland...

Friday - slept in. Read. Prayed. Drove to Chicago. Home about 4pm. Back with family...I love my family!!! Took my wife out for dinner for her birthday...HAPPY 34th BIRTHDAY!!!! Thank you, God, for my wife!!!

Saturday - back in the office to try to get my head back in the game. Message written...need to redo the intro...

That was my week. Good friends. Good driving and time alone. My soul is nourished and I am thankful.

I wondered how my heart would respond to being in Hamburg again. It didn't feel like home anymore. It felt very familiar and filled with fond memories and people I love. But it's not home.

Driving up 94, 120, and 83 to Lake Villa...that felt more like home. It's not all the way there, yet (it's only been 5 months), but this is where I belong. It's good to be home.



1 comment:

Rambling Rachel said...

Your comment about driving home caught my eye. Mark and I moved to Vernon Hills five years ago and I remember driving through Schaumburg thinking, "We're almost home." Weird. Home. Home was and still is in some ways Iowa and the little town where I grew up. But I think we can have more than one home and this metropolitan area is home for Mark and I. It's where we have matured as individuals and our marriage has strengthened as we came to depend on each other. You've only lived here for a few months, but I'm glad driving home feels like driving home.