Saturday, September 09, 2006


Several thoughts about several things...probably not much actually useful...we'll see...

- Heidi, the kids, and I will be driving to Bay City, MI tomorrow after worship. Grandma rallied a couple weeks ago, but seems to be making her final leg of the journey through this world. There are some things worth saying before that times comes. So we travel...

- Some great stuff is going on at Northwest. God's grace is showing up huge, which is always awesome! We'll be baptizing a couple people next weekend...I love that! There are some things that are a real challenge...but the dirty little secret is that I even love the hard stuff! I guess you'd say I found my niche...

- I've got two fantasy football teams. It happened sort of fast, but I like it and we're doing two. I plan on winning both...with one hand tied behind my back...just in case any of my oponents are check in on me scared.

- I'm frustrated that the Red Sox have laid such a big turd on the end of their season. It was theirs to lose...and they are. And on top of that...I hate the Yankees...arghhh.

- Played nine holes this morning with a neighbor. It was good to get out and swing the club. I swung it a few too many times...but it was still fun. There's a cheap cow pasture down the road from us...good times.

- I'm listening to Levi jumping in his crib. He's nuts! Very charming, but nuts. He's standing...even a little without support. I keep trying to push him down, but he stands up anyway...punk.

- Heidi rocks as a wife. Just thought I'd put that in there. She really does.

- Kevin's a great partner in ministry. I'm glad he's here...and that I'm here, too. We work hard together...I think it's good. Props to you, Mr. Parido...

- I like ice cream. My kids like ice cream. Not sure if it's dna...or that ice cream is just good.

- I'm having a hard time getting over a little hump in my weight goals. Down 29 pounds for 2 weeks now...pushing...hard...for...30. But humps like this are a part of the process. I'm not discouraged, just addicted to meeting my goals! The running is going well. I'm running over 3 miles without passing out! I'm not breaking any land speed records, but hey...I'm still chubby and I'm out there tearing it up.

- I love that it's football season. Colder weather. fun games. My wife is an animal about football...I love that, too. Go Pats! Go State!

I've said my piece. Tomorrow as a part of worship, we will take some time to remember September 11, 2001. We will also pray for those who work hard to protect us daily. Should be a special time. It's not the whole service, but I think it's important for us to remember.



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