Tuesday, October 04, 2005

doing church differently...

I was reconnected with some friends from Australia recently. Ken and Leanne spent some time in Hamburg before returning to their home country of Australia to start a new church. We had good times together...shared a few laughs...grew a bit as our lives intersected.

They have been home for a few years now. their vision for the church they lead is that it would be a community of people sharing life together for the honor of Jesus. Amidst the variety of pressues they face (denominational, peer church leaders, financial, let alone spiritual), they continue to hold true to that vision.

It's a powerful statement on several levels:

1) the power of a husband and wife committed to the same calling. They are truly partners in this ministry; neither one is token by any means. Their passsions and gifts create incredible momentum as they humbly serve together.

2) the power of a vision. They have not been swayed by the winds of time or change. They are not jumping on anyone else's bandwagon. Frankly, they make the "emerging church" look like yesterday's news.

3) the power of community. They welcome anyone to the table. It's not a rich church that has a few poor folks. It's a community that is made up of all kinds of people. The poor and broken sit at the same table as the whole and "successful." They learn together and from each other. It is truly a community where all are welcome. And it's in the heart of a city. And in the process, lives are being transformed...slowly as in process, but transformation nonetheless.

Check out the link to their community on the right...City Wesleyan.



1 comment:

tonymyles said...

This sounds awesome!