Friday, June 20, 2008


I'm spending a couple nights in Oklahoma City, OK!! Wahoo! I'm at a forum for Campus Pastors - this is the first time that I've met with people in the same role as me, but at different churches. It's fascinating to hear how they process things. We've only met a couple hours and I'm already learning things...

We meet all day tomorrow, get to experience an evening service at of the churches on the leading edge of multi-site movement.

Just walking into one of their facilities, I am inspired by how well they "brand" themselves. From their web site to the physical plant, there is a common vibe.

One of the things we talked about tonight is the peer relationships among campus pastors at the same church. I truly love the guys I serve beside. I also like them...we've got a great chemistry and sense of brotherhood. That is a very unique thing, from what I'm hearing. I'm often thankful for the other guys...but tonight, I'm reminded of what a gift it is to share life and ministry leadership with them.

What did you learn today?


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