Thursday, June 12, 2008

iron 2 iron

For the past 6 months, I've been meeting weekly with a group of men. We've met at 6am every Thursday. I don't like mornings, but this group has been so very worth it! As I prayed about the guys to invite into the group, I had a sense of God's leadership with each one. I love it when He pulls things together.

It's a very diverse group of men. You probably wouldn't find them in very many groups together. But God brought us together for a purpose.

We've walked through intense discussions on theology/doctrine, personal life stories, relational pain, great victories...we've opened our lives up together. And God has used our authenticity to grow each of us.

Next Thursday is our last offical meeting together. But in the course of the last 6 months, our lives have forever been connected by the power of God's Spirit.

I'm a little tired right now...4:15 wake-up is pretty un-natural for me. But when I feel tired, I think of the reason and give God thanks for these men.



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