Monday, October 29, 2007

weekend summary

What a nice folks came for a visit Saturday to Monday. It was great to catch up with them a bit and see them play with the kids. They are very good at this grandparent gig.

Saturday am, a friend, Lynn, brought over a bag full of costumes. The kids went crazy, changing from one outfit to the next - Batman, spider, pirate, back to Batman. What a great time had by all!

It was a good weekend at The Chapel...I love being in that environment, connecting with God and a bunch of great people seeking Him. What a gift to be a part of it...

I'm not teaching for a few weeks. I have a great time when I get to teach...but appreciate the breaks.

And today was family day. What a great time together as family. The kids are enjoying that time more and more - and understanding that Mondays are different than other others.

And, oh, Red Sox are world champions!! Now that the World Series is over, I can get some sleep again...

Have a great week!


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