Friday, October 26, 2007

talking with God...

I've taken a bit of time today to connect with God. I try to get some extended time on a regular basis - it doesn't always happen as I want, but these times have proven to be meaningful, nonetheless.

I'm reading a book called, "Hearing God" by Dallas Willard. Let me share a couple of quotes:

"Life with effects beyond the natural always depends upon intimate interactions between us and God, who is therefore present."

"So our union with God - his presence with us, in which our aloneness is banished and the meaning and full purpose of human existence is realized - consists chiefly in a conversational relationship with God while we are each consistently and deeply engaged as his friend and colaborer in the affairs of the kingdom of the heavens."

What does a conversation with God look like for you?


Anonymous said...

It looks like this: The light in the early morning sky is just begining to appear. The morning star is shining brightly,no clouds. The air is still with a holy hush. The rest of the world is sleeping; it's very quiet. I'm looking up, attentive, silent, waiting for a word from God. Then, words come to mind, "I love you. You can count on me." There is a joy and calmness, somehow, inside of "me"; a "Christmas feeling," clean, bright, full of love. That's my conversation with God, when I listen more than I talk. S.W.

Anonymous said...

A guy walks into my office, dressed in little more than rags, long, unkempt hair and beard, evidence that a dentist isn't really in the picture for him. He's carrying a heavy box and says he needs bus money. It costs $1.75 and all I have is a $5 bill. I give it to him because He's Jesus and it's an honor to get a few minutes in His presence during my day and to sacrifice an afternoon latte so He can catch a ride home.