Monday, July 31, 2006


In one of my last posts, I mentioned that I'm making some lifestyle changes that should impact my health, girth, and longevity. In that, I also mentioned that I tend to be pretty sheepish about the whole thing. As I've thought more about that, I think I tend to be sheepish in part because I make bad choices and feel a certain amount of shame. I'm not proud of my I tend to either joke about it (if I can call myself fat, then your observation can be deflected) or avoid it.

I'm still not proud of my should never have gotten here. A friend posted on his blog that he stepped on his scale and it read 247. He decided to do something about that because his scale only went to 250. My answer is...time for a new scale!

But I've been adjusting several things in my life. And I am proud of that.

If someone is addicted to alcohol...they can just avoid drinking it for the rest of their life. In the same way, most people who are addicted to something can choose to just avoid it. But if you're addicted to food (using it for something other than nurishment), you can't just stop least you shouldn't. You have to eat. So it forces some issues that are unique. But I'm making different choices...and feel the grip of food loosening. Like the guy at AA who introduces himself as an alcoholic even though he's been dry for 23 years, I must always face the demons in my closet and cannot open the door any further than I absolutely have to. I'm encouraged by the progress there.

I've been running (actaully, jogging and walking)...working my way up to a 5k run. I'm encouraged by my progress. Today, I had a good run...went for over 25 minutes without walking. I thought I was doing great...until I was lapped by a guy clearly in his 50s...oh well...pretty good for the chubby guy who just started ( can be effective at dodging stuff). But I'm encouraged.

And when I stepped on the scale this morning for my official Monday morning weigh-in...I passed a huge mile marker for me...I've lost over 20 pounds! There is a whole lot more to go...but that was a biggie for me.

It's hard work. I don't always see the progress that I want. But I'm seeing results...and that will keep me coming back. I know there's a wall coming here sometime, but I plan to bust through and keep going.

At this point, I weigh less (barely) than I did when I arrived here...

I share that to give you a little glimpse of something that I'm encouraged by. I also know there are people reading this who shared with me their desire to take some of the same steps. So I write this to say, "Press on!" It's worth it.




Heidi said...

Out of all the things I help you do, letting you take the time to excercise has been rewarding for BOTH you and me. I'm so proud of your hard work and dilligence. You look great, and I love the success you're enjoying. But remember... NO SCRAWNY MAN here, or Ill feed you ice cream in your sleep.... lol.

I love and adore you, husband.

Don said...

You're right - it is worth it.


Duke said...

Keep it up!
Glad to hear that you're making the step. Work hard to make it a lifestyle. There will always be plenty of things to interrupt the plan if it's not essential to life.