Tuesday, April 11, 2006

my family...

I just can't shake 'em. I thought I could for a few days. I was given the gift of a trip to another city...alone. I needed it. I desired it. I anticipated it with excitement.

Then the time came for me to head out...and I hated it. I hated saying good-bye to my family. I didn't cry, but there were a few times when I was close to it. I just love my family so much...

My time in Boston was great. It was even more than I expected it to be. But the entire time, there was a nagging "miss-my-family" thing going on in my heart.

I missed Izak's desire to sit in my "yap" and the hugs and stories at bedtime.

I missed Libby's life-filled eyes as she dances in the mirror.

I missed Levi's full-face grin and belly laugh when I put my nose against his.

I missed Heidi's tender touch and the high-five at the end of a long day -- We did it again...

Yeah...I get pretty tired. But I wouldn't trade them for anything. I love my family...they are a gift to me...


fetzer said...

You're love of family is very cool

C-Man said...

that is because you family rocks!