Tuesday, April 11, 2006


I couldn't get the smile off my face as I stepped off the plane. I heard the familiar accent of an ancient land...I was back in New England!

The sea didn't smell as strongly as she had in the past. But she was there. And the sites and smells of the city filled my heart. It's hard to explain how the hubbub of thousands of people on a subway and filling city streets can feel a soul...I just know it can.

Boston will always be a special city. From my grad school, I would take the train into the city to spend time alone. I'd drive to the airport to meet friends and family. I got pretty good and driving in Boston...it was always a welcome adventure.

But it was in the city that I met God on several occassions. I remember walking those streets as I explored a calling to start a new church in New England. How could God use me to reach people here? And He showed me.

When I was unsure of my plan, I remember meeting someone who challenged and encouraged me. Through that conversation, God spoke to me.

And here, this trip...amidst the craziness of a city trying to find her spring rhythm, I met God again. I knew He would be there, but I wasn't sure what He wanted to say to me. I just knew that we had an appointment together.

I went. I waited. I listened. And my eyes were opened to Him in ways that I didn't expect. In some ways, I didn't even want it. But He was there. He met me. He taught me. He grew me. I think He laughed at me a bit -- nothing meant to deman me, but a laugh of delight in the world He was opening to me.

Boston...my meeting place with God...



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