Friday, May 20, 2005

Saw it...

Yup...just got back from seeing the latest edition of Star Wars. Lucas should totally make an Episode IV...this one was a great cliff-hanger!

I loved the movie. It's not a feel-good date type movie...definately not "Heidi approved". But I thought it was a very fun movie. Now, I'm not a total Jedi-head; just a dolt who enjoys a movie with good action and a good storyline. I'm not comparing it to any of the books. I don't get too deep into the backgrounds.

So's about 1:15 in the morning and need to be functional pertty off to bed I go.



ps - MIL is here safely. Good to see her and spend some time with her. Her dog bite looks pretty good and doesn't seem to bother her much...but she's tough as nails, so even it if hurt, I probably wouldn't notice!

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