Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's a nice slow day (as slow as F5 ever goes) at the Furr house today. We were planning to head to West Michigan to spend some time with family, but a couple family members came down with a nasty flu bug. So instead of risking a Thanksgiving treat in a plastic bowl, we stayed in IL. It's a bummer to not see the gang up there - it's been a long while since we all traveled north.

Heidi and I have been wondering and asking God about Christmas gifts this year. We work hard to not rack up more debt by we're curious how we'll have much "extra" for gifts. Then today, while watching the parade, Heidi got a call. They could use her at the hospital - and the pay is great on a holiday! We talked about it and decided that it was a good use of our time and an answer to our prayer! So she's off through the snow to the hospital and I'm in charge of the crazies for the rest of today! I think that's God's provision for us...thanks, God!

Today marks 8 months as a part of The Chapel. Heidi and I continue to see God's hand guiding us as we form friendships and partnerships with incredible people. As hard as it was to make the decision to leave Northwest, that decision has been affirmed over and over again these past 8 months. I have experienced a wonderful re-orientation to myself as a leader. I've experienced the gentle leadership of the Spirit even in a fast-paced environment. I've found friendship among comrades on the mission to live in the reality of God and lead with urgency.

There is much for which I'm thankful. I pray the same is true for anyone reading this post.

Happy Thanksgiving!


1 comment:

John D. Howell said...


I am encouraged that you and Heidi are working hard to not rack up more debt by gift-giving. Cristin and I are the same way and it's been difficult to not rely on the ease of using the credit card in order to purchase things for our family and friends.

What's made the difference for us is that ever since we have become debt-free, we now feel that we have the opportunity to bless others through giving joyfully. It's hard to give joyfully when you've got a debt that is owed or when you feel obligated to simply out of tradition.

Hope you had a great day and enjoy the Christmas Season!