Monday, November 19, 2007

Happy Anniversary!!

Today at 1:00 pm (actually noon with the time change to Central Time), Heidi and I marked our 13th anniversary! In some ways, 13 years isn't all that long...but so much has happened in those 13 years.

- We've lived in 5 states (IN, MA, MI, NY, and IL).
- We've served in 5 churches (New England Christian Community, Spring Lake Wesleyan, Hamburg Wesleyan, Northwest Christian Community, and The Chapel).
- We've grown from F2 into F5.
- We've owned (co-owned with the bank, really) two homes (Hamburg and Lake Villa).
- We've got incredible friends who have shared this journey with us.

It's interesting to look at the markers of the journey - homes, states, friends, kids. Just like the hundreds of Dunkin Donuts which serve as drive-thru north stars to travelers in New England, these markers have provided a roadmap for us - a roadmap of God's faithfulness in leading and guiding.

Each house has been an amazing gift, beyond our dreams in so many ways. Each of the states/churches has provided another opportunity to follow in faithful obedience to God and the blessing of learning and growing in community. And friends have shared our lives - laughing, crying, challenging...amazing gifts.

The one thing that regularly amazes me is when I look next to me and see the most incredible of women by my side. Thirteen years ago, she said, "Where you go, I will go..." and she has lived up to that vow every moment of every day. I don't deserve such a gift. But God has seen fit to blind her eyes and help her to love me;-)

[My Beloved, you are a gift. Today is a tribute to your honor, grace, wisdom, strength, and love. I treasure you...]

To my friends who have journeyed with us...thank you.

Full of thanks,


1 comment:

Donnetta said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you both! What a blessing and honor it is to call you friends!! :-)
