Tuesday, November 28, 2006

change of pace...

For the next two weeks, I'm not teaching at the weekend worship gathering. This means my life can take on a different pace, since preparations aren't as urgent. It's been about 6 months since Northwest has had a break from hearing my voice break through their Sunday morning tranquility...they deserve a break!

I've spent a good deal of the past 5-6 days at home. I love being with my family. Granted, I'd go nuts if I were there as much as Heidi...God bless that woman...seriously...she deserves it. But I love being with them. I love that they get excited about me coming home and all want to give their goodbye kisses before I leave.

When the staff meets on Tuesday mornings, I often as, "Where are you seeing God lately?" It's fun to hear different stories and encounters. But this morning, my God-sighting was in my own life (it's not all that unsual...but just what seemed to be front and center for me today). I've struggled in some ways with "monkeys" - that's what Heidi and I call feelings of discouragement.

I'm not really even sure why I'm discouraged...some great stuff is happening at Northwest, I love what I do there, we're making some great friends. Oh, sure, I miss my friends from NY and there are always things that can be done better...but in general there isn't a good reason to have monkeys.

So as I prayed about it and sought God's input on the monkeys, He brought incredible peace....He even snuck a little joy in there without me even asking! As I wrote in my journal and prayed and read the Bible...the monkeys seemed to go away. What a gift. Thank you, God...

I'm hoping this change of pace will be a good time of refreshment for me. As you might think of me, whisper a little prayer to that effect.



1 comment:

David Drury said...

Neat to read this, Matt. Thanks for sharing it.

May the monkeys go play elsewhere.