Monday, February 20, 2006

not much to say...

The lack of posting is an indication of just how busy things are around here these days. When the kids are sick, Heidi and I both kick into survival mode (not equating my situation with hers, who is home all day, just saying that I kick into a similar mindset). It takes about all my energy to work, come home, help, and then crash as the kids drift off to sleep.

They are all feeling better now, so I think the fog is lifting...

We went to Ikea today...yup...all of us! What a trip! Izak loved going up and down the elevators. Libby was doped up on decongestant, and Levi loved the special nursing room! It was a little overwhelming, but fun...

Last night we met with our new small group for the second time. It was a great time together. I'm thankful for this group.

I'm at a loss for words...not much to write other than a quick update.




C-Man said...

glad to hear everyone is on the mend. sounds like it is time to open the windows and air out the house. Never been to ikea. Want to but afraid i will spend way to much money on stuff i do not really need.

Frank said...

Happy to hear the kids are feeling better!
Louise and I love going to IKEA, but it helps to have money! :-)