Friday, February 03, 2006

stepping out...

Tonight was a big night for me (and though it probably was for Heidi, too, I'm only speaking on my own behalf here). We launched a new Small Group.

In short, a Small Group is a group of people who commit to share life together with the purpose of moving closer to Jesus. It's a place of safety and transparency and growth. Over time, these relationships often become the core relationships in a person's life.

That's what happened for me in New York. Several young couples set out together to shafe life in a Small Group. At that beginning point, I had a vision of what could be when people take their commitment together seriously. And that group of people became the core friendships of my life. You've read about them many times here...and the pain we've felt in leaving them to move to IL.

Tonight begins another chapter. I can't pretend to know for sure what it's going to look like. But I have high hopes for this group of friends...people who are willing to embark on a risky adventure with us. I'm thankful that they are willing to create a place where I am just Matt (not Pastor Matt). I'm thankful that they are willing to share their life with me. I'm thankful that they will help me become more like Jesus.

It feels a little like a first date after a breakup. It's a bit scary and intimidating. But also dynamic and fresh and alive. I guess that's the good stuff of life.

This new group of friends doesn't diminish the significance of our New York group. It's just another opportunity that God has given me to add to the circle of those who walk closely with me. A gift.

Thanks, guys. The first date is done. And onward we go...



1 comment:

C-Man said...

Matt that is awesome! Life groups, small groups are vital to the body. I stand behind them!