Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Butterfly Kisses...

A few years ago, a singer wrote a song that became the "daddy's dance" number one hit at weddings across America. It's a tender song about daddy's girl and the butterfly kisses she gave...it recounted all the special moments growing up and now he has to let go of his little girl but he'll always have butterfly kisses...

I've come to the conclusion that this dude was either not home and involved in his children's life or he was hit by a bus and forgot everything except the wedding rehearsal.

Or maybe I'm just different.

My charming daughter was liberally passing out kisses the other night at the dinner table. I was sitting next to her at the time, so I was the beneficiary of the puckered up "hmmmmmm..." as her sweet face came close to mine.

Nothing like the slimey kiss of your daughter with a cold and runny nose. Not butterfly kisses...boogger and snot kisses!

Which is why I get to enjoy my own sneezing and runny nose today...thanks, daughter for your butterfl...scratch that...your booger and snot kisses.

Not sure the song is as sweet...but the kisses sure are! I love 'em!


Anonymous said...

You better delete this post before the Beautiful Princess Libby learns to read and surf the net!!

Heidi said...

Lol. Dear, butterfly kisses are when you tickle someone with your eyelashes. Much more sanitary, unless the butterfly sneezes its germs all over you at close range...

Anonymous said...

Great blog, Matt. I hope I'm around to read it back to you at Libby's wedding reception.