Tuesday, November 15, 2005

processing much...

Life has been so full lately. I've been expending so many of my words in processing it all that I haven't had much to post. So I thought I'd gaze at a blank screen until I write something.

I was talking through some things with my dad this evening. He said, "Sounds a little like the guy who said, 'Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?'" Yeah...that's a lot how I feel these days.

It seems like every arena of my life is requiring significant decisions that have lasting implications. Home, work, friendships. I go from one issue to the next with substantive outcomes waiting for my decision.

I tend to be comfortable making decisions and with risk. But I'm not sure that I've navigated through a time like this which required as many high-stakes choices.

I feel the weight of it. I don't think I blow it out of proportion, but neither do I blow it off.

I also feel alive. It's sort of strange. There is a vibrancy in these things. It's risky. It's life. It's real. It requires my utter dependence on God.

I can't fabricate a good outcome in these things. I can't wing it or fudge it...both of which I'm pretty good at. These things require complete dependence on Jesus.

If I don't, the outcome will depend on my emotions and whim. And frankly, if that's what the outcome depends on, I don't want to stick around to see it.

So I must set aside personal pride. I must set aside comfort. I must set aside anger. As I do, Jesus rises up within.

Peace. Laughter. Confidence. Strength.

Not mine. His...




Mark said...

Hey Matt...

Just checking in. In response to your post...well, God didn't have you move away from Buffalo so you could eat Bon-Bons and drink hot Cocoa. Sounds, though, like you have a lot on your plate. It sounds as if your doing the right thing, and passing the 'plate' over to Jesus. Keep going, stay strong, kiss the wife, play with the kids, worship always...

Cya around the blogosphere