Saturday, February 17, 2007

interesting days...

I'm not sure how to put words to everything yet. I'm walking through some of the hardest days that I've ever had, while experiencing God's presence in ways I never had...strange how those two things seems to always go hand-in-hand...pain and God's presence.

Last Sunday night, I stood before the people of Northwest and explained that I have resigned as lead pastor.

The biggest question is why?

The answers are not for this forum, but are reserved for live and in-person conversations.

But every answer to that question can be countered with another question or probing response.

And underneath the why that is seen and can explained (to a degree) is the why that is unseen. There is a step of faith in my decision. At some level, there is the belief that there will be something important that will come of it...something crucial to the life and soul of this community of people.

And so I step away. It's not easy. And it's not clear what's next...for any of us. But isn't that what faith is all about? Trusting in God, even when our eyes may deceive us?

And so the Furr Journey takes a bend in the that I didn't see coming. One that I didn't go looking for. But a bend that came nonetheless.

Walking on...



Anonymous said...

You are in our prayers! I know God will bless you and Heidi in whatever endever you decide to do next or wherever you may go.
He truly does work in the most mysterious ways at times far beyond our comprehansion.
Keeps life interesting!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wonder, if the wake left behind is considered in God's journey. Everyone can make God's word to be what they want without it being really God's word.

Anonymous said...

It's true...we can so often deceive ourselves into hearing what we want. That's why putting ourselves in a place where we are open to examination by those we trust and who know us well.

I think the imagery of "wake" is an interesting one. It often connotes a problem and struggle. Sometimes it seems like that's the case. But often, we know little about the wake one makes. Like the wake of a boat, it spreads wider than we can imagine. Immediately as the boat passes through the water, the wake can be very choppy and rough. But as is spreads, it becomes more peaceful.

For some, the wake right after the boat passes is great fun as they ski or tube. For others, it's scary. But the difference tends to be perspective and values. For those who value peace over adventure, then wake will tend to be troubling and should be avoided at all costs. For those who seek adventure, it can provide wonderful opportunities.

As we journey through life, the wake is often an opportunity to trust God and live in the adventure He invites us into.

Where that often breaks down is when people don't embrace grace, but instead harbor bitterness and resentment.

It's a matter of perspective...

The Happy Phanthom said...

Hey Matt...
I've visited a couple times and we've met. Spark Ball told me we should talk, we just never connected. I came by the office but always missed you. I don't do phones well. I prefer face to face best.

I don't know if you plan on leaving the area, I would guess you are.

We should still talk, I might be able to shine a little light for the road ahead.

In this case, I believe God sometimes drops you in the vicinty of where you need to be and you have to explore the area to find your destination...

What's up this week? With the snow we're getting I may have a snow day or two or three... :>)

I live in Round Lake, maybe we could meet at Panera Bread for coffee if you're up for talking to a stranger.

Grace and Peace... t.f.
A moving boat always makes a wake. Don't look behind you unless you ran someone over, in that case, throw a lifeline and move on. Sounds like from the annie mice, there may be too many people in the water and not in the boat where they belong. It takes faith to stay in the boat when it gets rough.
Matt you're a leader, don't be afraid to lead.
Sorry if this posts twice.

Matt and Heidi said...

Happy...let's connect. My email is you're not afraid of a little snow, are you?;-)

fetzer said...

Furr, I will be praying for you and your family. I selfishly hope your journey leads back to Michigan.