Wednesday, October 25, 2006

go, Tigers...and more...

or it might be less...

I've stopped drinking Diet Coke for a little while. Doing something with a friend. Don't know when I'll pick it up again, but for now, I'm dry. Sure, I can drink other drinks...but there's nothing like a cold diet coke on a cold fall day...ahhh...

There are times when I get Diet Coke "saturated"...I start to feel it in terms of being tired more than I should and it just doesn't taste as good. So with this little hiatus, I think I've got a good energy level back and I'm sure it will taste good when I drink it again.

I may stay off caffein altogether. I'm not making any pledges or anything, but we'll see;-)

Heidi and I have been watching season 2 of Scrubs...perhaps the best show on tv. It is totally under-rated. I love the writing and the characters are well-developed. Rent it at the library and give it a try.

Levi is about to enter the world of the walking. He's taking a few steps at a time now. Life is about to get busy for us! The problem is, he's not much for taking a bonk on the noggen. So...when he falls, it usually involves crying. Oh, well...he'll toughen up one way or another.

My sister and her family are coming for a visit this weekend. Just a quickie, but it will be great to see them. I love seeing the boys...and Izak idolizes his cousins. Very fun to see.

I don't feel good about any of my choices for governor of IL. I'm usually right in there when it comes to voting and politics...this is the first time my stomache has turned to the point I don't feel good about making a choice. Not even sure who to write in...Here's to Mickey Mouse!

Well...there's a little brain dump for the morning. Back to work...



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