Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Yeah...was driving home from the store this morning when I sensed a lot of play in the breaks of my car. in they didn't should have seen the face of the lady in the minivan on the corner...

couple hours late, I'm back on the road...driving AND breaking!


Donnetta said...

Yikes.. scary! Praising God for your safety (and that of others on the road). That could have been bad news!!

Glad to hear it is all good now!


David Drury said...

whazzup, Matt.

How's life? Good to get the update here. I hope the kids weren't with you!

How did you stop it?

-so... can you e-mail me sometime? I've lost your e-mail address.

Mine is "ddrury" followed by ""

I'd lov eto catch up, fellow IWU and GCTS geek!