Tuesday, January 10, 2006

my struggle with dispensationalism

Warning: it's a long one. If you don't care about theological reflections, then go ahead and skip to the next blog on your list. If you might be interested and have a couple minutes on your hand, then knock yourself out. If you don't know what dispensationalism is and care to read further, check out this post on wikipedia...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dispensationalism. It's unbiased and paints a pretty good picture of this end-times theology. I'm going to reflect a little more from a personal perspective. The beginning of this thread stems from Pat Robertson's comments about Sharon.

Why I'm uncomfortable with dispensational theology:

1) It's relatively new. I think that the Spirit gives insight into God's revelation through Christ and scripture, but I tend to shy away from theological trends that stem from someone getting a special revelation, which is the case here. There is a strong link between John Darby (the "father of modern dispensational theology) and a 15 year old girl named Margaret McDonald, who in 1830 claimed to have a special gift of prophecy and vision of the end times while in special trances. Darby, himself, claimed to have a special revelation of these things as the foundation of his teaching. It's one thing to gain insight into the teachings of scripture; it's a whole different ballgame when one claims to have had visions that supercede scripture. I struggle with that...

2) It's very western-centric in nature. Part of dispensational teaching has to do with a literal 7 years of hell on earth called the great tribulation. Dispensationalisms teaches that the Church will be removed before that time comes. We, in the West, don't do well with pain and suffering. So we like the theology that says we don't have to do it. It works well in conjunction with "health and weath" teaching which says that God's will is always that we are healthy and wealthy. It's a little bit too "Polyanna" for me. What about the people in Africa who are undergoing incredible tribulation for their faith...do they get rescued before it gets bad? How do you tell a woman who watches her children be murdered before she is raped and killed that God will rescue her before she goes through the tribulation? To try and identify a future time in history that is going to get really, really bad in a uniquely western approach to biblical interpretation and has more to do with our personal context than biblical context.

3) I think it plays fast and loose with biblical context. In some places it chooses to be literal. In other places it chooses to be figurative. And in most of those cases, there is little biblical context to support the decision to interpret the passage that way. There are different ways to read differnt genres of biblical literature. But biblical context is king when determining how to go about doing that. Dispensational theology requires that one sets aside basic biblical hermenteutics in order to skew scripture to fit. In a broad sense, it requires using passages of scripture in ways that the authors never intended. For example, Revelation was not written by John to be a code-book of secret future events. It was written to caution "sleeping" churches and to encourage those Christ-followers who were being impaled by beams and used as torches to light Nero's garden at night. The big message of the book is to say, no matter how bad it gets (and it will get bad) Jesus will be victorious. Jesus came into the world the first time as a humble baby. He will return as a victorious king. Hold out hope for salvation.

4) It's like a secret code. The gnostics were a group of people in the first century that believed they had secret information about spirituality. That secret information was rejected by early church fathers within the first couple centuries of church history. Whenever someone claims to have secret or special knowledge about future events, they are immediadely discredited by Jesus himself, who said that no one (not even the Son) knows the details of the end of time. The Bible affirms that there will be an end, but doesn't intend to give details of that end. Anyone who claims to know who the Great Bear and Whore really are...just don't. Most of that teaching is on the same level as the DaVinci Code...it's fiction and makes for sensational stories.

5) My absolute biggest problem with dispensational theology is that it relegates Jesus Christ to "best supporting actor" on the stage of history. Disp. theology teaches that God's ultimate plan for human redemption lies in the physical state of Israel. Disp. theology teaches that Jesus' death and subsequent formation of the Church through the empowering of the Holy Spirit is a "divine paranthesis"...a big oops or Plan B. God's real intent is to save the world through Israel. Frank, in his response to my post on Pat Robertson (see previous post and comments) writes, " Israel IS and always will be the focal point of the Bible. EVERYTHING especially today in this day focuses around Israel!" Sorry, Frank...that is as unbiblical as you can get. Jesus Christ always has been and always will be at the center of God's redemptive plan in human history. The entire Old Testamen points toward him and his work of salvation. And the entire New Testament points toward Christ at work in his followers until the end of time. The central figure in all of biblical history is Jesus Christ.

To buy into dispensation theology, one must believe that God "saves" people in two ways -- through Jesus and through the sacrificial system of Israel. Many dispensational teachers get all lathered up when they begin talking about the priestly garments that are beings crafted and the special animals that are being bred in anticipation of a return to the sacrificial system in Israel. There is a belief by most that salvation can be gained through obedience to the Law, as given to Moses. But the New Testament could not be more clear that reliance on the Law and animal sacrifice for salvation is an abomination to Jesus Christ. Jesus was the only sacrifce that actually does away with out sin. Jesus was the great high priest, according to the NT book of Hebrews...he did his job and then sat down at the right hand of God -- this signifies that his salvific work is completed...done...no more needed.

For the most part, I can accept that there are very learned people who acribe to dispensational theology. One of my "beefs" with this camp is that they tend to discount anyone else's interpretation as valid. I don't want to do that here. However strong my resrvations and my beliefs that dispensational theology, as a whole, undermines the grace and love of Christ, I want to communicate my thoughts in a way that opens the door to conversation as opposed to shutting it down. My writings here are merely a reflection of my thoughts. My understandings have morphed over the years -- I was securly in the dispensational camp at one time on my faith journey. But since that time I have studied and been challenged by brilliant teachers who have helped me formulate a different understanding of God's redemptive plan, biblical interpretation, and the future. I'll reflect on those more in posts to come.




Heidi said...

The dualistic nature of salvation proposed by DT was something I was taught as a child. I grew up in a DT home, mostly attended "holiness" churches with grace-less, abusive preachers, who spent Sunday evening services on this end-times crap. After years of exposure to the content I found myself in high school "behaving badly", yet knowing that it was all ok, for if the "rapture" did occur I would recognize it. I was also assured by the teaching that I could join my family in Heaven by allowing myself to be martyred. Talk about two ways to Heaven... Forget teaching about how to live among one another as Christ would, and forgiveness, and being transformed... it was all about doing the math and getting out of here!

One particular preacher would talk for hours about his trips to the holy lands, the rebuilding of the temple, the sheep, blah blah blah... and while he took his eye off the ball and fixed it on Israel, the church ended up being overcome by it's hatefulness and splitting again for the up-teenth time. There was this mentality : "Well, it doesn't matter if we like each other or not, or if we're good to each other. Christ will return soon, and I'm in. Heaven's a big place. Let's just agree to steer clear of each other up there."

God continues to redeem my past by giving me a fantastic, trustworthy husband-pastor such as yourself, Furr.

Frank said...

I see what your saying, and I did not choose my wording properly when I made the statement about Israel will always be the focal point of the Bible. Looking at how I wrote that statment you are right, It is wrong.
Let me first explain that I am not really familiar with the term "Dispensationalism".
Like you said it is hard to put what you mean in such a short space on such a hot topic.
HOT for me anyways. I have been studying the Bible on the end times specifically since 1980 because the Lord has laid it on my heart to do so.
For the last ten years, I have been working on writing a book of a verse by verse breakdown of the book of Revelation using nothing but the scriptures. It will be published sometime this year. We are working out the finalities on the editing.
There is only one way to salvation and that is through Jesus Christ and Him only!
Israel will indeed rebuild the temple and once again start animal sacrifices but not in obedience to God, but in "DISOBEDIENCE". After all that they have and are still witnessing happen in history, and even after they will see with their own eyes the church taken out from off the earth, and the coming of the antichrist etc. etc. They will still go back to building a temple and doing animal sacrifices, denying yet once again that the Messiah already came and died for them 2,000 years ago. That is why scripture says only a "remnant" of them will be saved. That remnant are the ones who WILL believe that it was the Messiah they crucified 2,000 years ago; they will listen to what the two witnesses (Revelation),and the 144,000 from the twelve tribes of Israel have to say, and will REPENT and except Jesus Christ as Lord and savior. Unfortunatly it is those Jews who will be martyred by the antichrist and beheaded.
The Old Testament Israelites that were obedient to God and did the animal sacrifices for the "COVERING" of their sins; not for the "forgiveness" of them, while waiting for the Messiah to come also are saved through Jesus Christ. They souls awaited Christ's coming in "Paradise". When Christ was crucified, He told the thief on the cross that "This day you shall be with Me in Paradise" (not Heaven). Christ decended into hell "Sheol" and spoke to the souls waiting His arrival. When Christ rose from the dead Scriptures says He set the captives Free. When He rose from the dead, Scripture says "And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from top to bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent: And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves after His resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many."
These "saints" weren't Christians because Christianity didn't exist yet. It wasn't even heard of. These were Old Testament saints,(part of the first fruits).
Their never was and never will be a "Plan B". Their is and always was only one way to get to heaven and that is through Jesus Christ!
I apoligize for my poor choice of wording in the previous blog.
I will "ALWAYS" back up what I say by using scriptures, not my personal opinion. If something is my personal opinion, I will say so!
There will always be suffering, pain, illness, disease, and tragic deaths in this world until the Lord comes back, but the "Great Tribulation" is not anything like what we go through now in this world. This is just a "taste" so to speak. Warnings if you will of what is coming, not like anything mankind has ever experienced before or now. All I can say is read the Book of Revelation. ALL the mountains of the world will be LEVELED. ALL the islands in the world will dissappear. ALL the waters, fresh and salt will be turned to BLOOD. ALL the creature living in the waters will DIE. ALL the grass and ALL the trees will be burnt up. The earth will be shaken off its very foundation. The day will be shortened from 24 hours to 16 hours (For the ELECTS sake). The sun will be blocked out by all the dust and ash and pollution. The moon will look like blood; and on and on and on, but the Church (bride of Christ) will not be here for it) All believers in Jesus Christ, from ALL nations, peoples and tongues, (notice it doesn't say from all RELIGIONS).
Let me reiterate: JESUS is the ONLY way!

Frank said...

Had to break for dinner :-)!
I guess what I am trying to say in all this is.
Israel still has an important part to play in History before the Lord comes back (ex. rebuilding a temple, the reuniting of the 12 tribes of Israel, the witnessing of the 144,000 from the PHYSICAL 12 tribes of Israel (God specifically names the twelve tribes one by one).
Plus Israel themselves still have to learn that it is ONLY THROUGH Jesus Christ, their Messiah and ours that they can find salvation; not through rebuilding a man made temple or animal blood; but ONLY through the blood of JESUS!
If there is NO JESUS, then there is NO REDEMPTION!
As a side note:
You CAN know who the:
lion, bear, leopard, and beast are. They are named by name in the book of Daniel, in the order that each world power conquered the other.
There is a direct corralation to king Nebuchadnezzar's statue; Daniel's vision; and John's vision.
Also, between the book of Daniel, Ezekiel, Joel, and Revelation, they define what nationality the antichrist will be, what nation he will come from, what his blood line is. His specific name is not reveiled though, that will not happen till the end time.
He will come from Greece, be of Syrian decent and be part Jew.
God is not the author of confusion! All the answers truly are in the Bible, you just have to be willing to look!

Frank said...

Hey Matt,
Was re-reading your blog when I noticed that under #4 you said that: Jesus Himself said that 'No one knows (not even Jesus) the details'"
That is a miss quote! Jesus said in Matthew 24:36 "But of that DAY and HOUR knoweth no man, no not the angels of heaven, but My Father only."
But AFTER Christ rose from the dead, Jesus said All things were turned over to Him, even the day and hour.
Paul in one of his epistles wrote Of that time and hour you have no need for me to tell you. (Sorry, to tired to look up the exact scripture at the moment, but can do it on Friday) :-)
So why did Jesus say He did not know the hour or day to His apostles in Matthew? Because He didn't know at that time. If He knew the answer He would of had to tell His apostles, or simply say "you don't need to know at this time" but He didn't, He told them He didn't know. If He did know and said that He didn't, He would have lied to them and therefore would have sinned. Being 100% man at the time, He didn't know ALL things. Scripture says that as a man, "He GREW in wisdom and stature"! He had to learn like everybody else!
Also in #3, you are absolutly right, even though you don't seem to taking it that way. Some places are "literal" and some places are "figurative" thus the importance of studying the ENTIRE Bible. Ex: in Revelation the angel says to John "Behold the Lion" John says he looked and saw one like the Lamb that was slain take the book because He was the only one worthy to open it. Figurative; but from throughout the New Testament and even books of the Old Testament no one can deny that that "Lion & Lamb" is Jesus.
Ex: Revelation 17 John "MARVELS when he sees "MYSTERY BABYLON" because it is "figurative" for the false church at the time led by the "false prophet". John was baffled because this church was "claiming to be Christian" but John could not see anything Christ like about it 2,000 years later! He was baffled. MYSTERY BABYLON was destroyed by the antichrist and his ten nation kingdom. But in Revelation 18 he has no such reaction when the "city of Babylon" is destroyed, because he is well familiar with the Literal Babylon. It is mentioned throughout the entire Bible, Old and New Testament and there is NOTHING figurative about it. The apostle Peter wrote one of his epistles from Babylon The Books of Genesis, Isaiah, Ezekiel,and Joel are rich with the mention of the literal Babylon. Joel is vivid in his prophesy of how Babylon will be detroyed in the END TIMES.
Yes, discernment has to be used when studying the scriptures as to what is figurative and what is literal, but that doesn't make the SCRIPTURES WRONG! It just means the person reading hasn't studied the scriptures enough yet to see the difference.
To say otherwise is to say that the scriptures are a lie, and if the scriptures are a lie, than God is a lie. I know God is real! And I know that the entire Bible is TRUE! God is incapable of lieing!
Man may have written the scriptures down, but God through the Holy Spirit gave them the words to write, each one in his own style, but ALL TRUE.
Someone else may say "I don't believe it", but that doesn't change the fact that it is still true.
OKAY, I have to go to work in the morning so I will say night night!
Sorry that I put all this response on your blog, I meant to put it on mine! Hope your not mad!
In Christ Always,

Matt and Heidi said...

Frank...don't have your email, so this is the only way I can respond to you at this point...please don't regurgitate your book on my blog. I'm glad that you're excited about the topic, but you're going out of bounds in this space. From here on out, I'm going to edit any overly-lengthy responses (as determined by my subjective opinion).

In response to one of your comments, I'd encourage you to get in touch with your dispensational side. You don't have to sign up for the full package, but you're in the same ballpark...you might find some helpful encouragement.

I think that's great that you're publishing your study material. I think the kingdom would only benefit by your humble submission of it to some scholarly eyes who might offer encouragement and critique...the best teachers/scholars do this and have found it to be very helpful in the process of producing meaningful commentary of scripture.

Frank said...

I'll send you my e-mail address.
Sorry about the lengthyness of my reply, like I wrote, I meant to put it on my blog not yours!
Again I apologize for that.
In Christ Always,